“Change is constant,” is the mantra of the day. This is true about our universe and our life in general. However, when it comes to innovative initiatives are all changes equal. Are affirming this mantra or echoing the second law of thermodynamics and chaos theory sufficient for program success?
We find that change that is meaningful maximizes the benefits. For something to be truly meaningful, it must not only serve a purpose but also fulfill that purpose to the greatest extent possible, guided by mindful and thoughtfully planned efforts. But meaningful to whom? To the sponsors, to the customers, to the customers of the customers, to the public who might hear about the change, to the investors… who do we please? The simple answer is, “All of the above” but we know that that might not always be possible. Every change that is worthwhile for an enterprise is going to need thorough analysis of all the stakeholders affected by the change – both positively and negatively. And the communication aspects should plan for humane approaches to message the latter. An approach that minimizes the negatives and maximizes the positives, in other words, optimizes the benefits, would be appropriate.
In the labyrinth of complex programs, navigating change is not just a function of sound business knowledge and communication. It is not just building a game changer suite of solutions and releasing it to the team. It is a mix of several change factors that need to be carefully analyzed before you plan to officially start the work and it starts with focusing on the social impact of the change.
At Fulfeelment, we believe that program success for innovative initiatives must judiciously mix adoption and leadership strategies. If you’ve successfully navigated meaningful change in your organization, what are some of your key learnings? We’d love to hear about your experiences and insights.